Kootenai River Flow: 25,000 Cubic Feet per second 6- foot visibility, 46 degrees. High Flow
Koocanusa Inflow: 26,000
Hatches: Little Blue Quills, BWO, Western March Browns, Grannon Caddis, Midges
Effective Patterns
Dry: Griffiths Gnat, small parachute adams, purple haze, Red Quill, X-caddis
Nymph and Streamers: Da Bomb, Beadhead Prince, Pheasant Tail, Stones and Midge Pupa, Soft Hackles. Black/Olive Conehead Wooly Buggers, Sculpins, Pat’s Rubber Legs.
Fishing Report: Sturgeon Flow Augmentation starts today, look for conditions to improve towards the end of the week.