Kootenai River Flow: 17,000 Cubic Feet per second, 6 foot visibility, 46 degrees, Heavy Glacial Tint
Fisher River Flow: 1800 CFS
Hatches: Little Blue Quills, March Browns, Little Olive Stones, Midges, BWO, Some Grannom Caddis starting, Large Carpenter Ants and warmer days.
Effective Patterns
Dry: Parachute Adams, Purple Haze #16-20, Tan Stimulator #8 and 10, Griffiths Gnat, small Golden and Olive Stones, Standard Adams, Red Quill, Sunken Black Ants
Nymph and Streamers: Beadhead Prince, pheasant tail, stones and midge pupa. Black/Olive Conehead wooly buggers, kokanee killers
Fishing Report: We are starting Sturgeon Flow augmentation. With increased flows from Libby Dam, Fisher River Discharge has been minimized. River Temps are warming there, we are seeing increased surface feeding from 2-5pm. Don’t forget to hang a submerged ant off your favorite dry. Recently raised 25 fish on a half day float in selected areas. The slower runs are seeing the most surface activity.