“I’m really impressed with your entire operation. You have a superb knowledge of the river, you’re a terrific guide, and it’s fun to be on the river with you. It’s like being on the river with an old friend from the minute you push off. It’ll be a pleasure to recommend the Kootenai Angler to anyone I know who is looking for an outstanding fly fishing experience off the beaten path in Montana. The new cabin was a great idea, and I’m sure it will go over well with your clients. The log work is as fine as I’ve ever seen. It’s a beautiful cabin with all of the conveniences, and you can’t beat the location. Where else can you go to bed with Canada geese flying overhead, sleep with the river gurgling past your window and awaken to eagles in your front yard?”
Go Flyfish Montana
Dave Engerbretson, Western Editor, Flyfisherman