River Flow: 24,200 cfs 8-12 foot visibility above the Fisher River, 3 feet visibility below the Fisher River. Fisher Infow 2000 kcfs. River Temp 36 degrees F.
Inflow from Lake Koocanusa: 9.2 kcfs
Hatches: Midges and Little Blue Quills, Silver Stripe Caddis
Effective Patterns: Bead-head prince, Wooly Bugger, Adams, Parachute Adams
Guide report: We are not guiding on the river currently with the extreme high flows and cold water temps. River is off -color due to Fisher River Runoff below Libby Dam. We are currently catching fish on Lake Koocanusa and checking out lowland lakes which are just now loosing their ice. Lake fishing should start soon. UPPER RIVER CLOSED TILL JUNE 1